If you are reading this post right now it means that you probably like reading books, writing books or taking photos of your favourite books like me (I know, so many books!). My passion started when I was about 10 and my mum took my sisters, my brother and I to the public library.

I still remember the excitement of entering that humongous place (when you’re a kid everything is huge! But you know that, don’t you?) and spending hours to go through so many bookshelves packed with interesting stories.


In one of those shelves, I found a book called Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie and, from that day on, I was hooked and addicted to reading. I devoured that book in a few days and after that, I was always begging my mum to go back to the library to get some more. At that time, you couldn’t take home so many books like nowadays and only mum had a membership card. So, it was kind of painful to wait until everybody at home finish their books so we could go back there and get some more.

So, that was when my passion for books started. How about you?

Next time I’ll tell you more about this and how I decided to start writing my novel.

See you soon!

6 thoughts on “What’s your passion?

  1. Caught your blog from the community pool….it said creative writing so just had to pop over and say hi…I’m currently in the final stages of heading towards trying to publish but love blogging as a platform to link up with fellow writers and share words of support and feedback….

    Love the look of your blog so hope you don’t mind a follow 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My passion is writing and aspire to become a freelance writer, which is why I stepped into blogging. πŸ™‚
    ALthough, I really don’t have an exact moment of where and when it started but guess it’s something I always had (I believe).
    Please do visit my blog, I’d really like your feedback 😊
    Best of luck to you! πŸ˜„


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