Somebody once said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Yes, I have to agree! It not only captures the moment, but it tells a story. And I love stories!

I remember my father’s ancient camera, which he kept so well in an amazingly tidy drawer, that looked like a simple box with a button and lens. So much simpler from the ones we have nowadays, but very efficient to capture memories. He loved taking pictures and writing poems and I believe that he was also inspired by the things and people he observed. At that time, I didn’t understand why he was so fussy about his stuff, but I know now that those things were his precious treasures. Those things were his way of making art!

I don’t know about you, but I feel so inspired by a picture! Most of my stories come from just looking at one and having the whole plot being developed in my mind.


One day, I came across this one and its peculiarity caught my eyes and imagination immediately.  It was like watching a moving picture (like the ones on Harry Potter movies) and I knew that I had to write that story. What makes me so thrilled is the countless opportunities that we writers have to be inspired by a simple picture.

So, that was when I started to write the first book of a trilogy that I intend to develop. It is a dystopian young adult fiction based on colours, magic, challenges and personal growth. How about you? What triggers your imagination?

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