What motivates you?

What motivates you?

Some days I don’t feel like writing at all. Do you feel the same? And there are times I can write for 3 hours non-stop! Go figure… I’ve been thinking about creating a writing routine, but so far, I can only manage to work on my book on weekends. I’m aware that is not enough and I desperately need to improve this if I want to finish this project. 103ab7fc72aad54fd5b3533049a3f642 Continue reading “What motivates you?”

What’s your passion?

What’s your passion?


If you are reading this post right now it means that you probably like reading books, writing books or taking photos of your favourite books like me (I know, so many books!). My passion started when I was about 10 and my mum took my sisters, my brother and I to the public library. Continue reading “What’s your passion?”